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Mastodon bones in Cali, 130k years old with tool marks. Careers in tatters
Mastodon bones point to ancient humans in San Diego
Cerutti Mastodon Site Press Conference | April 26, 2017
Humans in America 100k Years Ago? Scientists Debate Claim #ancienthistory #ancientmysteries
More mastodon bones discovered in Byron Township
Humans in North America for 130,000 Years? 7-14-2018 by Paul Giem
Mammoths and Mastodons in Ancient Rock Art
Genesis Chapter Fourteen, New American Bible
An ancient mastodon ignited a debate over humans' arrival in North America
300,000 year old "Modern Skull!" Archaeology in crisis! Books all wrong!
Debunking common ancestor commondecent and transit fossil
"Rains," 'ERODED' Sphinx, but failed to rot this 'OLDER' dress found 50km away?